The Dialog class provides a special type of display window that is used for pop-up messages and acquiring input from the user. Unlike most other components, dialogs are hidden by default; you must call show() to display them. Dialogs are always associated with a parent Frame. A Dialog may be either modal or non-modal; a modal dialog attracts all input typed by the user. The default layout for a Dialog is BorderLayout.
public class java.awt.Dialog extends java.awt.Window { // Constructors public Dialog (Frame parent);public Dialog (Frame parent, boolean modal); public Dialog (Frame parent, String title);
public Dialog (Frame parent, String title, boolean modal); // Instance Methods public void addNotify(); public String getTitle(); public boolean isModal(); public boolean isResizable(); public void setModal (boolean b);
public synchronized void setResizable (boolean resizable); public synchronized void setTitle (String title); public void show();
// Protected Instance Methods protected String paramString(); }
Frame that is to act as the parent of Dialog.
If parent is null.
Constructs a Dialog object.
Frame that is to act as the parent of Dialog.
true if the Dialog is modal; false otherwise.
If parent is null.
Replaced with Dialog(Frame, String, boolean).
Frame that is to act as parent of Dialog.
Initial title to use for Dialog.
If parent is null.
Constructs a Dialog object with given characteristics.
Frame that is to act as parent of Dialog.
Initial title to use for Dialog.
true if the Dialog is modal; false otherwise.
If parent is null.
Constructs a Dialog object with given characteristics.
Creates Dialog's peer and peers of contained components.
The current title for the Dialog.
true if modal, false otherwise.
true if resizable, false otherwise.
true makes the Dialog modal; false if the Dialog should be modeless.
Changes the modal state of the Dialog.
true makes the Dialog resizable; false if the Dialog cannot be resized.
Changes the resize state of the Dialog.
New title for the Dialog.
Changes the title of the Dialog.
If the dialog is hidden, this method shows it. If the dialog is already visible, this method brings it to the front.
String with current settings of Dialog.
Helper method for toString() to generate string of current settings.
FileDialog, Frame, String, Window, WindowEvent, WindowListener