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23.23 java.beans.Visibility (JDK 1.1)

This interface is intended to be implemented by advanced beans that may run either with or without a GUI (graphical user interface) present. The methods it defines allow a bean to specify whether it requires a GUI and allows the environment to notify the bean whether a GUI is available.

If a bean absolutely requires a GUI, it should return true from needsGui(). If a bean is running without a GUI, it should return true from avoidingGui(). If no GUI is available, the bean may be notified through a call to dontUseGui(), and if a GUI is available, the bean may be notified through a call to okToUseGui().

public abstract interface Visibility {
    // Public Instance Methods
            public abstract boolean avoidingGui();
            public abstract void dontUseGui();
            public abstract boolean needsGui();
            public abstract void okToUseGui();

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