Java in a Nutshell

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The java.lang.reflect Package

26.6 java.lang.reflect.Method (JDK 1.1)

This class represents a method. Instances of Method are obtained by calling the getMethod() and related methods of java.lang.Class. Method implements the Member interface, so you can use the methods of that interface to obtain the method name, modifiers, and declaring class. In addition, getReturnType(), getParameterTypes(), and getExceptionTypes() also return important information about the represented method.

Perhaps most important, the invoke() method allows the method represented by the Method object to be invoked with a specified array of argument values. If any of the arguments are of primitive types, they must be converted to their corresponding wrapper object types in order to be passed to invoke(). If the represented method is an instance method (i.e., if it is not static), the instance on which it should be invoked must also be passed to invoke(). The return value of the represented method is returned by invoke(). If the return value is a primitive value, it is first converted to the corresponding wrapper type. If the invoked method causes an exception, the Throwable object it throws is wrapped within the InvocationTargetException that is thrown by invoke().

public final class Method extends Object implements Member {
    // No Constructor
    // Public Instance Methods
            public boolean equals(Object obj);  // Overrides Object
            public Class getDeclaringClass();  // From Member
            public Class[] getExceptionTypes();
            public native int getModifiers();  // From Member
            public String getName();  // From Member
            public Class[] getParameterTypes();
            public Class getReturnType();
            public int hashCode();  // Overrides Object
            public native Object invoke(Object obj, Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException;
            public String toString();  // Overrides Object

Passed To:

EventSetDescriptor(), IndexedPropertyDescriptor(), MethodDescriptor(), PropertyDescriptor()

Returned By:

Class.getDeclaredMethod(), Class.getDeclaredMethods(), Class.getMethod(), Class.getMethods(), EventSetDescriptor.getAddListenerMethod(), EventSetDescriptor.getListenerMethods(), EventSetDescriptor.getRemoveListenerMethod(), IndexedPropertyDescriptor.getIndexedReadMethod(), IndexedPropertyDescriptor.getIndexedWriteMethod(), MethodDescriptor.getMethod(), PropertyDescriptor.getReadMethod(), PropertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod()

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java.lang.reflect.Member (JDK 1.1) Book Index java.lang.reflect.Modifier (JDK 1.1)

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