
Samsung SCH-611, 900, 811, 470, 670, 750, SPH-A400 mobile phones connector

pinout (распиновка)

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for data/flash cable only

разъем 18 pin Samsung mobile special
18 pin Samsung mobile special connector  at the mobile phone
Pin Signal Description
8TX data  
7RX data  

18 pin cellular w/antenna mobile special
18 pin cellular w/antenna mobile special connector  at the mobile phone (with reversed numbering?) > Разъемы сотовых телефонов >  Распиновка Samsung SCH-611, 900, 811, 470, 670, 750, SPH-A400 mobile phones connector использующего разъем 18 pin Samsung mobile special и разъем 18 pin cellular w/antenna mobile special

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76 hits since February 11, 2005