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  • Atari-style joystick to PC joystick adapter 
  • DIN to Mini-DIN Keyboard Adapter This adapter will enable you to use a keyboard with a 5 pin DIN connector to a computer with a 6 pin Mini-DIN connector
  • Mini-DIN to DIN Keyboard Adapter This adapter will enable you to use a keyboard with a 6 pin Mini-DIN connector to a computer with a 5 pin DIN connector
  • PC 2 Joysticks Adapter This adapter will make it possible to connect 1 extra joystick to the PC. The gameport contains pins for two joysticks but you will need this adapter to be able to connect two joysticks to one connector
  • PS/2 Keyboard (Gateway) Y Adapter This adapter will enable you to use a keyboard and mouse at the same time. For Gateway computer, may work with other computers
  • PS/2 Keyboard (IBM Thinkpad) Y Adapter This adapter will enable you to use a keyboard and mouse at the same time. For IBM Thinkpad computer, may work with other computers
  • PS/2 Y Adapter to the Mouse and Keyboard This Adapter will enable you to use a keyboard and mouse at the same time. This Adapter testing on Toshiba Satellite 2100 CDS.Notebook
  • PS/2 to Serial Mouse Adapter This adapter will enable you to use a mouse with a 6 pin Mini-DIN (PS/2) connector to a computer with a 9 pin D-SUB (Serial) connector. This requires that the mouse handles both protocols. A mouse like this is sometimes referred to as a combo-mouse.
  • Serial to PS/2 Mouse Adapter This adapter will enable you to use a mouse with a 9 pin D-SUB (Serial) connector to a computer with a 6 pin Mini-DIN (PS/2) connector. This requires that the mouse handles both protocols. A mouse like this is sometimes referred to as a combo-mouse.
obsolete computers
  • Amiga 4 Joysticks Adapter This adapter will make it possible to connect 2 extra joysticks to the Amiga. This requires that the game is aware of this Multi-Joystick Extender in order to use it. The adapter is connected to the parallelport of the Amiga

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