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  • DEC MMJ connector MMJ=Modified Modular Jack. Invented by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) (now: Compaq)
  • EIA-449 (RS-449) Secondary connector Common names: EIA-449, RS-449, ISO 4902. Secondary (auxilary) channel
  • EIA-449 (RS-449) interface The RS449 interface is a generic connector specification. It´s not an actual interface. The connector pinning was originally designed to support RS422 for balanced signals, and RS423 for the unbalanced signals. And should have been the succesor of RS232.
  • EIA530 (RS530) interface The RS530 interface is a generic connector specification. It´s not an actual interface. The connector pinning can be used to support RS422, RS423, V.35 and X.21 to name the most popular ones.
  • ITU-TSS V.35 connector Basically, V.35 is a high-speed serial interface designed to support both higher data rates and connectivity between DTEs or DCEs over digital lines.
  • ITU-TSS X.21 connector Common names: ITU-TSS (CCITT) X.21, ISO 4903
  • RS-232D connector 
  • RS232 interface RS232 is a serial interface. It can be found in many different applications where the most common ones are modems and Personal Computers.
  • RS366 interface 
  • RS422 9pin connector 
  • RS422 interface RS422 is a balanced serial interface for the transmission of digital data. The advantage of a balanced signal is the greater immunity to noise. The EIA describes RS422 as a DTE to DCE interface for point-to-point connections.
  • RocketPort Serialport connector Available at RocketPort serialport expansion cards.
  • Serial (15) connector Seems to be available at a 14.4kbps modem called Speedster.
  • Serial (DB25) connector Very common PC serial port.
  • Serial (PC 9) connector This port is very common and available at almost any PC, some Sun (at least Ultra 5/ 10, Blade 100/150) and many other computers. With description of how PC serial mouse works.
  • Serial (Printer) connector 
Apple Macintosh
  • DEC DLV11-J Serial connector Available on the DEC DLV11-J Serial card
  • DEC Dual RS-232 connector Found on the DEC Multia and DEC UDB (Universal Desktop Box). It contains two Serial ports on one connector. The 1st Port is located on the normal pins, and the 2nd port is located on some "spare" pins.
  • SGI serial port This connector can be found on Challenge, Onyx, Personal IRIS, and Power Series systems
  • Serial (SGI MiniDIN) connector Mini-DIN-8 serial port connectors are found on the Personal IRIS 4D/30, 4D/35, Indigo, Indy, and Indigo2. They are also found on the Origin 200 and Origin 2000 systems, used of MMSC/System controller ("Aux") port.
obsolete computers

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